All you need to know about waxing?

People often worry that ‘waxing is painful’. We are continually asked ‘Does waxing hurt?’.

Essentially, you are having hairs pulled out from the root so it is true that this can be uncomfortable. Everyone has a different threshold of pain and your level of comfort will differ from another. It is true, however, that over time the pain certainly lessens as the hairs become weaker. Your first waxing experience will always be the most uncomfortable. You will feel slightly anxious as you enter the unknown which increases the level of discomfort. The more relaxed you are the less discomfort you will feel.

The pain is often described like that of ‘pulling off a plaster’. A good waxing Therapist will ensure they pull your skin taut and pull the strip or wax in a smooth quick motion and the pain is quick and short lived. The short term discomfort far out ways the benefits of waxing.

An increase in discomfort can often be felt if you are either run-down or if you have your period. Sensitivity is heightened during these times.

How long does you hair need to be before your waxing treatment?

Don’t worry there is no need to let your hairs grow to ‘Yeti’ lengths. Hairs need only be ¼ of an inch long for the wax to grab hold and remove efficiently. Eyebrow hairs only need about an 1/8th of an inch.

Benefits of waxing

  • There is far less and slower regrowth of hair as it is pulled from the root. You will need to wax approximately every 3 – 4 weeks. Hair growth has a 3 stage cycle and hairs will all be at different stages. It can take a few appointments to get your hairs at a similar stage so do not be surprised if a few pesky hairs pop out just a few days following your wax.

  • Overtime your hairs will become finer and sparser

  • Waxing provides the skin with a gentle exfoliation and often leaves your skin feeling smoother and brighter. You may experience some redness and short term red bumps on the skin, where the hairs have been pulled from their root. This reaction will normally disappear quickly and within minutes or within 24 hours. Exfoliating before your appointment is really beneficial to the skin and hair removal

  • Your skin will be less prone to inflammation and discolouration from shaving. Repeated shaving and the friction from the razor leads to chronic skin inflammation. Discolouration happens as the skin becomes thicker from shaving causing melanocytes to become more active.

  • Less annoying itching and prickliness. When you wax, hair will take longer to reach the surface of the skin and you will feel smoother for longer. Prickly feeling of growth is more noticeable after shaving as the razor cuts hair in an angle and it looks darker.

  • No more nicks and cuts from shaving

  • You normally find less ingrowing hairs with waxing. The Therapist should use the correct technique to suit your hair growth and avoid ingrowing hairs. You can also exfoliate regularly to keep ingrowing hairs at bay. Unfortunately, some people are prone to ingrowing hairs what ever hair removal method they use. Your Therapist can help advise you of other ways to reduce ingrowing hairs.

  • There are a wide range of waxes to choose from and your Therapist will the most efficient for you. I will talk a little more about the types of wax later

  • Professional experience. Visiting a salon for your waxing will give you a safe, hassle free and professional finish. Your Therapist will make sure all your hairs are removed correctly, efficiently and completely adding experience, knowledge and advice for your aftercare. It can, in fact, be a very relaxing experience. Home waxing is an option but it is very difficult to get in to position to reach those difficult places.

Feel embarrassed?

So many men and women feel embarrassed about waxing. It is important to remember that this is our job and we love it. We have waxed hundreds of different bodies over the years and we are experienced in making you feel welcome and comfortable. Please do not worry you will be looked after and made to feel completely at ease.

Will my skin wrinkle over time from waxing?

A Therapist has been trained to hold your skin taut and to remove the hair in the correct direction. Efficient waxing will not cause any wrinkles or long term damage to the skin.

Are you a bride or going on holiday and waxing for the first time?

It is recommended that you receive a waxing treatment a month or so before your special day or before you go on holiday to see how your skin reacts. If everything is fine, reschedule another wax for a few days before the big day or your holiday.

How can I avoid ingrowing hairs?

It is possible to suffer from ingrowing hairs with frequent waxing. Everyone is different. You skin will harden and thicken over the area that is regularly wax making it harder for the weakened hairs to pierce through the skin. Ensuring you gently exfoliate the area 2 days after your wax and then once or twice a week will help reduce ingrowing hairs. In addition to exfoliation you should follow the aftercare advice such as avoiding tight clothing etc. (more aftercare advice is explained below).

In the Bikini area, wearing tightly fitted underwear can cause ingrowing hairs and I recommend buying a size bigger if you begin to find ingrowing hairs in this area.

Does waxing help hair growth when you’re young?

We wax lots of young girls (with parental consent and a parent to accompany those under 18). Children are physically developing much earlier than years gone by due to what we are eating and how we are living day to day. Social media is prominent in our lives and children are exposed to more and more influences. The young girls can feel very self conscious and seeking professional Therapists to help with hair removal is common.

It is true, that if a young girl waxes rather than shaves, the regrowth is reduced and they may enjoy quicker reduction of hair altogether is some areas. The more you wax, the less hair grows back and the waxing will break down the hair follicle quicker permanently. Generally, the younger girls can often go far longer between appointments sometimes 3 or 4 months is sufficient depending on the child’s hair growth.

What is wax?

Different types of wax

It is your Therapists job to advise and use the correct method for you individually. Each type of wax has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the area to be waxed, the clients hair growth and skin sensitivity.

Warm Wax

Warm wax is applied either using a roller system or using a spatula. The wax is removed using a strip of either paper or fabric pressed over it to adhere to both the wax and hairs. The strip is pulled off removing the hair from the root. It can be used quickly and efficiently over small and larger areas of the body. Using this method the wax sticks to both the hair and the skin and the very top layer of the skin is exfoliated during removal for extra smooth results. The removal of the skin can cause irritation and slightly higher discomfort.

Advantages of warm wax:

  • Easy and fast removal of hair from larger areas

  • Temperature is slightly lower than Hot Wax

  • Skin is exfoliated leaving results of smooth and bright skin

  • Will remove thick and finer hairs

Disadvantages of warm wax:

  • Can leave the skin feeling sticky

  • Is not suitable for very thin or sensitive skin

  • You can only wax each area once. If a hair is stubborn it may get left behind and the Therapist will need to use tweezers to remove

Hot Wax

Hot wax is ideal for smaller and sensitive areas and great for removing stubborn, thicker hair. We use Sienna X Peppermint Hot Wax which is amazing. It is heated at a lower temperature than some other hot waxes and gives a gentle skin release which means less pain. It is great for clients with sensitive skin as with its uplifting fragrance infused with Tea Tree and Echinacea. It is not removed using strips, instead the wax is applied and hardens as it cools around the hairs gripping them tightly. The hard wax is removed without sticking to the skin.


  • Great for short stubborn hairs as short as 1mm

  • Less ingrowing hairs

  • Less hair breakages with the extra grip as the wax contracts around the hairs

  • Ideal for clients with sensitive skin

  • Less chance of skin reddening

  • Less painful

  • No sticky residue left from the treatment

  • Areas can be waxed over more than once if hairs are very stubborn


  • This wax is not suitable for legs or other larger areas

  • Fine hairs are difficult for the wax to grip and may not be removed efficiently using this method.

What is a Hollywood and a Brazilian wax?

A Brazilian wax is the removal of most of the hair in the Bikini area. Only a central strip or small triangle is left. Hair is removed from the front and all the way up underneath to the back.

A Hollywood or a Full Bikini removes ALL hair from the Bikini area.

Alternatively, the French Bikini will remove all the hair from the front area and leave a small central strip or triangle but leaving the back area.

How can I prepare for my first Brazilian or Hollywood?

If it is your first treatment it is a good idea to trim before you arrive leaving the hairs around ½ inch long. This will make it easier to wax and a little less uncomfortable for you.

Is there anything I should do before my waxing appointment?

  • Refrain from taking a shower or a bath immediately before your treatment as this will soften the hair allowing it to break easily making waxing less effective.

  • Make sure the areas to be waxed are clean

  • Ensure your hairs are an appropriate length for waxing. They should be ¼ to ½ and inch long unless you have are visiting for an eyebrow wax where 1/8th inch is fine.

  • If you are taking any medication such as Retin-A, Renova and hydroquinone, oral acne medications like Accutane or blood-thinning medications these may make the skin more sensitive and increase the irritation or other complications. If you are unsure whether you should be waxed while taking these medications please check with your doctor.

Can I shave between appointments?

Once you begin to wax regularly your hairs will follow a more uniformed growth cycle. Shaving will disrupt the cycle resulting in thicker and more hair at your next appointment and it will take time for the efficient growth cycle to return. In an emergency it is far better to purchase an epilator than to shave.

What to expect after your wax?

Every one reacts differently to waxing. You can expect some redness and minor irritation for a day or so.

We will provide you with all the aftercare advice for 24-48 hours following your wax which will include:

  • Do – apply antiseptic cream to treated areas 3 times in the 24 hours following treatment where needed.
  • Do – if your skin feels hot after treatment, bathe with a cold salt water solution regularly in the hours following treatment, this reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process. (Add half a teaspoon of salt to one cup of boiling water and chill).
  • Do – apply sun block daily to prevent sunlight from interfering with the healing process for 2–3 days following treatment.
  • Do – wear loose clothing.
  • Do Not – expose the skin to sun, sunlight or sunbeds for 48 hours.
  • Do Not – use a steam room, sauna or any heat treatment for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – have a bath or shower for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – swim in chlorinated water for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – do aerobics or any exercise for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – apply any heat or friction to the skin whatsoever.
  • Do Not – apply any moisturisers or body lotions, other than those recommended by your therapist for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – apply body sprays or deodorants or perfume for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – apply talc, make up or false tan for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – wear tights, leggings, or tight fitting clothing for 24 hours.
  • Do Not – massage the area for 24 hours.